Guild Meeting on Saturday 8th September at Lower Broadheath 10.00-4.00

The September meeting will be members DIY

plus a talk at 11:00am by

 Teresinha Roberts  on ‘An Allotment to Dye For’

‘Discover the beauty and advantages of natural dyes.  You will learn how to use them, as I share the secrets of bright colours from natural dyes.  This talk covers the history of dye plants and how to grow them.  You will be able to see actual dye plants and find out which colours they produce with samples of dyed silk and wool.’

Teresinha is an excellent speaker and many of our members will remember the excellent workshop on coiled baskets which Teresinha gave to the Guild about two years ago.  She is very knowledgeable about natural dyes, both growing, processing and selling commercially, but if you’d like to know more about her please go to her website ‘Wild Colours’.  So do come along and learn how to grow and use the many plants that are suitable for dyeing organic fibres.  The cost is £8 for members and £9.00 for non-members.

Guilds Together Inspires

If you have any projects for our exhibition table please bring them along to the meeting. The theme is  “accessories” .    We aim to have a good selection of items to show spinning/weaving/dyeing. Also progress  from beginner to experienced textile worker so don’t be shy bring it along!

If you are not able to attend the gathering on 6th October we will collect the items all together on Saturday and they will be returned to you at the October Guild meeting.

We look forward to seeing you all on Saturday. Visitors welcome.



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